First Dates
How many voices do you hear
in that pretty little mind?
Is it schizophrenia
if those voices are unkind?
Is your smile sincere or
does it curl into a grimace?
If your reflection turned black,
who would be there as a witness?
How many games do you play
in this unsuspecting world?
What’s the damage from the drugs?
Does life remain unfurled?
Are you locked in a prison?
Are you free as a bird?
Some words are best unspoken,
some words are best unheard.
Have you teased the trigger?
Did you pray for the gift?
Have you ever fallen ill?
Is that a trophy you could lift?
Does evil swim inside of you?
Did you bleed yourself dry?
My senses are so broken,
my thoughts ever so wry.
My senses are a token,
first dates, a massive lie.
Some thoughts are best not woken,
some birds never to fly.
These wings were made to FLYYYYYYYYYYYYY